Strap on your narwhal horns of "strategery" and fasten your seat belts. This list is in no particular order but is nothing short of awesome! Without further ado I'm releasing my Web 3.0 Champions Twitter List to the world: Web 3.0 Champions (664 Thought Leaders Influencing Strategic Social Selling 3.0 and growing daily! - Please go follow all of these luminescent minds and fly this list into your HootSuite, TweetDeck or social dashboard of choice for full blown content fireworks overload like New Year's over the Sydney Opera House.)
Ladies and gentleman of Earth... a new hashtag is born like the birth of a star in a champagne super nova.
Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat. - Sun Tzu
You heard it here first! I've compiled this mega-scroll from a variety of sources after an overwhelming response to my open letter to social sellers everywhere. I think we can all agree there is far too much of social for social's sake going on. It's reached epidemic proportions like Beanie Babies, Paris Hilton and the Macarena. Who let the dogs out Grumpy Cat?
I feel these folks are truly putting the STRATEGIC into SOCIAL. Who did I miss? I'll continue to update the post with your thoughts. If I missed you or someone you care about, please like, comment write in or inbox me immediately with why they're STRATEGIC: tony at rsvpelling dot com.
plural strat·e·gies
1 a (1) : the science and art of employing the political, economic, psychological, and military forces of a nation or group of nations to afford the maximum support to adopted policies in peace or war (2) : the science and art of military command exercised to meet the enemy in combat under advantageous conditions b : a variety of or instance of the use of strategy 2a : a careful plan or method :a clever stratagem b : the art of devising or employing plans or stratagems toward a goal3: an adaptation or complex of adaptations (as of behavior, metabolism, or structure) that serves or appears to serve an important function in achieving evolutionary success <foraging strategies of insects>
So many metaphors in here, at least that's how Merriam-Webster defines it. How do I define strategy? Here's my definition if closing six, seven and even eight figure deals leveraging social + strategy as a force multiplier is something intriguing to you. I may have just cracked the code and am coaching strategic social selling effectively right now on three continents. I've thoroughly enjoyed speaking at Oracle recently down under.
There's power in mashups! These folks get it. You could say they're unicorns. They use the new tools and fuse them with classic methods. They think intelligently and strategically with social applying it to closing enterprise deals. A bunch of these thoughts leaders can be found on the big lists: KiteDesk, Onalytica (where I humbly find myself at #87, which is encouraging after a few months of rookie effort mixing Strategic Selling methods with David Meerman Scott New Rules of Marketing and PR), InsideView and the Summit Klout List. If you show up on this list, I've interfaced with you, learned something valuable from you and respect your technique.
People ask me what inspired the ideation and sheer volume of the last 135 posts on LinkedIn Publisher in 90 days; it was all of you. Remember these people on the list and make sure you religiously follow everything each one of them says. Then you can change the face of selling as we know it and write a bestselling book. It's that simple! ;-)
- Timothy Hughes
- Koka Sexton
- Jill Rowley
- Mike Kunkle
- Jason Jordan
- Mark Hunter
- Gabe Villamizar - Millennial Unicorn
- Babette Ten Haken
- Jill Konrath
- Tamara Schenk
- Ken Krogue
- Brian Tracy
- Miles Austin
- Brynne Tillman
- Alice Kemper
- Sonja Firth
- S. Anthony Iannarino
- Steve Richard
- Kendra Lee
- Marsha Collier
- Jack Malcolm
- Mike Weinberg
- Jeff Sheehan
- Colleen Stanley
- Ann Handley
- Nancy Nardin
- Melonie Dodaro
- Eric Mitchell
- Michael Harris
- Dave Kurlan
- Viveka von Rosen
- Grant Cardone
- Bernadette McClellan
- Aaron Ross
- John Smibert
- Chris Young
- Alice Heiman
- Ago Cluytens
- Vala Afshar
- Bryn Hughes
- Brian Fanzo
- Jack Kosakowski
- Andy Paul
- Rachel Miller
- Michael Brenner
- Jo Saunders
- Heide Schwende
- Darrel Griffin
- Brian Solis
- David Meerman Scott
- Alex Hisaka
- Elay Cohen
- Trish Bertuzzi
- Jon Ferrara
- Anneke Seley
- Steven A. Rosen
- Michael Fox
- Keith Rosen
- Daniel Barber
- Lori Richardson
- Art Sobczak
- Tibor Shanto
- Craig Elias
- Deb Calvert
- Kelly Riggs
- Jeffrey Gitomer
- Jay Baer
- Michael Hyatt
- Dave Stein
- Jim Keenan
- Greg Alexander
- Charles H. Green
- Bob Burg
- Tim Hurson
- David Brock
- Doug Davidoff
- Mike Schultz
- Leanne Hoagland Smith
- Ted Rubin
- Matt Heinz
- Lee Salz
- Robert Terson
- Colleen Francis
- Ken Thoreson
- Tom Searcy
- Jeb Blount
- Josiane Feigon
- John Dougan
- Paul McCord
- Donal Daly
- Gary S. Hart
- Eric Quanstrom
- Tiffani Bova
- Tom Hopkins
- Gerhard Gschwandtner
- John Cousineau
- Joanne Black
- Jonathan Farrington
- John Golden
- Jamie Shanks
- Barb Giamanco
- Celina Guerrero
- Alyson Button Stone
- Nikolaus Kimla
Again, who's missing from the list? Are you a strategic social seller? Unicorn alert! Help me out LinkedIn???!!! Give a shout out and some love to folks you know and comment WHY they are STRATEGIC and SOCIAL. Why is he or she strategic with social selling? How are they thinking differently? Call out a quote, a book, an interaction?
LET'S SEE HOW BIG WE CAN BUILD THIS LIST in an interactive experiment almost like a modern strategic social selling chain letter. We all know the ones beseeching us to save the public TV station that go #viral. I'm hoping to save the sector from shiny object syndrome and 'look a squirrel' transactional Armegeddon.
THANKS FOR YOUR HELP! Now to celebrate let's all go to Rio!
P.S. An addition to the list: Michael Fox @adaptiveselling, Director Field Readiness at VMWare.
He provides strategic, adaptive, execution-oriented perspectives and expertise to professional B2B selling, especially how to develop high-performance sales teams; based on global experience in various sales and sales enablement roles.
Check out his latest posts:
Your top 100 list article was awesome, just wanted to give you a shout out. I am surprised combining unicorns, Will Ferrell, and Arnold didn't break the internet.
Tony Hughes is ranked as the #1 influencer on professional selling in Asia-Pacific and is a keynote speaker and best selling author. This article was originally published in LinkedIn where you can also follow Tony's award winning blog. Also visit Tony's keynote speaker website at or his sales methodology website at
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